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Our Blogs

Join the Movement: NAR Foundation
Mitesh Rathod
Join the Movement: NAR Foundation's Journey to Create Lasting Social Impact

Welcome to the NAR Foundation blog, where we take you on a heartwarming journey of transforming lives and creating a brighter future for underprivileged children. For the past eight years, NAR Foundation has been dedicated to the cause of providing free education to slum and street kids, distributing food, milk, organizing blood donation camps, and conducting health and hygiene camps. Our mission is to break the cycle of poverty and empower these children with the tools they need to lead fulfilling lives.

Building a Brighter Tomorrow

NAR Foundation firmly believes that education is the key to unlocking the potential of these young minds. By providing free education to children who have limited access to formal schooling, we are giving them the opportunity to dream big and achieve their aspirations. Our dedicated team of educators and volunteers work tirelessly to ensure that these children receive quality education in a safe and nurturing environment.

From Struggle to Success: Heartwarming Stories

One of the most rewarding aspects of our work is witnessing the incredible transformation in the lives of these children. We have countless success stories of children who have overcome adversity and are now pursuing their dreams. Ramesh, a once shy and timid boy from a slum, is now a confident and ambitious young man pursuing higher education in engineering. Such stories of resilience and determination fuel our passion to keep making a difference.

Empowering Through Nutrition

At NAR Foundation, we believe that proper nutrition is essential for the physical and mental development of children. Malnutrition is a common issue among underprivileged communities, leading to health problems and hindered growth. To combat this, we regularly distribute nutritious meals and milk to the children we serve. It warms our hearts to see their faces light up with joy as they savor a nourishing meal.

Saving Lives, One Drop at a Time

Our blood donation camps have been instrumental in saving lives and raising awareness about the importance of donating blood. By organizing these camps, we not only contribute to the community's health but also encourage others to become donors, thus creating a chain of kindness and compassion.

Caring for Communities: Health and Hygiene Camps

The health and hygiene camps conducted by NAR Foundation play a crucial role in preventing diseases and promoting overall well-being in underprivileged communities. Our medical teams provide basic healthcare services, distribute hygiene kits, and educate children and their families about the significance of sanitation and personal hygiene.

Join the Movement

We firmly believe that real change happens when we come together as a community. As you read this blog, we invite you to become a part of the NAR Foundation movement. Your support, whether through volunteering, donating, or spreading awareness, will enable us to reach even more children in need and create a lasting social impact.


The NAR Foundation's journey of creating lasting social impact has been nothing short of miraculous. Witnessing the smiles on the faces of children as they embrace education, health, and nourishment fills our hearts with boundless joy and motivation. Together, let us continue to sow the seeds of empowerment and transform lives.

Join the movement today and be a part of this incredible journey of hope, love, and positive change. Together, we can build a brighter tomorrow for every child in need.

To support NAR Foundation's initiatives and learn more about our work, visit our website and follow us on social media. Together, let's make a difference!