
Birthday Celebration

Sharing Joy, Spreading Smiles

Embrace the uniqueness of your special day by extending a helping hand to those who require it the most. In collaboration, we extend the reach of nourishing sustenance and genuine moments of joy, transforming birthdays into occasions brimming with empathy and benevolence.

Our mission encapsulates the essence of "Sharing Joy, Spreading Smiles". It underscores the profound impact that can be achieved when the jubilation of personal milestones converges with a commitment to uplift the less fortunate. By choosing to give back on your birthday, you're not just marking the passage of another year; you're amplifying the collective human experience through acts of kindness.

The call is an invitation to join hands and hearts in an endeavor that goes beyond the boundaries of time and space. By participating, you become a vital thread in the fabric of goodwill, contributing to a legacy of benevolence and shared humanity. So, let's collectively mold each birthday into a mosaic of cherished moments, casting ripples of joy that touch lives and illuminate the path ahead.

What We Do

Our Initiatives

Through our passion, dedication, and collective efforts, we aspire to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve and create a ripple effect of positive change in the world.

Annapurna Ahaar

Numerous underprivileged individuals eagerly await nourishment. Let us become their beacon, bringing light and brightness to their lives.

Food Distribution Drive
Food Distribution Drive
Goal: 5,00,000 ₹
Pledged: 4,03,500 ₹
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Chetna & Hunar

Unlocking Potential through Education & Skills. Empowering Lives. Join us in this journey of empowerment and together, let's nurture minds and nurture dreams.

Education & Skill Development Drive
Education & Skill Development Drive
Goal: 5,00,000 ₹
Pledged: 1,16,098 ₹
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White Revolution

Pouring Hope, One Glass at a Time. Our mission is to provide nutritious milk to underprivileged communities, promoting better health and nutrition.

Milk Drive
Milk Drive
Goal: 3,00,000 ₹
Pledged: 76,500 ₹
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Birthday Celebration

Together, let's turn birthdays into opportunities to make a meaningful difference and bring smiles to the faces of the hungry.

Sakha: A Friend Indeed

Let us look after our four-legged and feathered friends, stray animals, cows, and birds to make them happy. Together, we can make an enormous difference in the lives of countless animals by feeding stray animals and birds and caring for cows.

Animal Welfare
Animal Welfare
Goal: 5,00,000 ₹
Pledged: 2,21,000 ₹
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Your Story, Your Glory

Each story shared through "Your Story, Your Glory!" is a powerful source of inspiration. Contribute to creating positive social change; together, we can inspire others to overcome their challenges and embrace their own journey towards glory.

Inspire Lives
Inspire Lives